NOTE - This is posted as historical informaton only! For current medical information, call your local Poison Control Center. For a medical emergency, call you local authorities.

Stedman's Shorter Medical Dictionary

Poisons & Antidotes
by T. L. Stedman, M.D., Wilcox & Follett Co., 1942

Symptoms: "Queer" feelings, restlessness, incoherent speech; purposeless movements of extremities; dryness of throat, with feeling of constriction and choking, difficulty in swallowing; tingling in hands and feet, staggering gait; pupils usually dilated, severe headache with burning sensation and difficult respiration.

Treatment: Lavage of stomach with tannin in the water; recumbency heat to the extremities: stimulants, hot strong coffee, strychnine in failure of respiration, artificial respiration and oxygen, inhalation of amyl nitrite; morphine and atropine hypodermically.

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